Tuesday 14 October 2014

Cap torque testers facts:

Know everything about the cap torque testers here. There are 3 possible devices used to measure by the cap torque testers. AT2E BT ETA Torque is a wireless torque bottle gauge and offers maximum torque measurement without any disassembling. A quick preventive analysis is possible using this instrument. However, the statistics are not recorded in the data and they are handled separately. The advantage of using AT2E BT ETA 5 is that the devices achieve speed with all the TMV5 functionalities. The bottle has to placed inside the machine exactly 3 steps ahead of screwing it. The full speed conditions do not correspond while doing the measurements. The AT2E TM + Torque wrench gauge is based on the TMV5 technology completely.

The cap torque testers this day are included with a software. You need a PC to connect and read the results. You can also find stand alone touch screen devices. If you have a rugged set up go for the motorized versions. Digital versions are great and can be available in super variations. Pick the right one by looking into the specs. Also find what you exactly require. You cannot find the great technology working unless you have chosen right.